The Healthy Swap Movement is not necessarily Anti-Alcohol, but from a nutritional standpoint there really is no debating the data. The average American adult consumes approximately 12 – 20 POUNDS of calories per year solely from Alcohol. Please let that sink in for a moment……12 to 20 pounds of caloric weight gain, purely from consuming alcohol. Don’t we all want to lose that stubborn 10 pounds!?


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Authority (www.NHTSA.Gov)

In 2019 there were 10,511 DEATHS in the U.S. directly related to drunk driving.

Every 50 minutes, someone dies from an alcohol related car accident.

33% of ALL traffic accidents are alcohol related.

According to data from the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and (www.NIAA.NIH.Gov)

                14.4 Million American are classified as having alcohol use disorder (almost 6% of US Adults). 

In Summary, the data all shows that the United States is a country where alcohol consumption is everywhere; and with significant and lasting consequences. It is ingrained in our culture, and yet still, there is no social issue or “taboo” regarding drinking alcohol.


The Healthy Swap Life is about making positive and slow changes to try and use less alcohol and swap in healthier choices.
